People who often wake up in the middle of the night to use the toilet are being urged to cut back on a specific type of food. Although waking up needing the toilet during the early morning hours isn’t usually anything to be concerned about, especially if you drink fluids before bed, having frequent trips every night is.
Not only can it badly impact your sleeping pattern, but it can also affect your health and well-being, as it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. The term doctors use for habitual nighttime toilet trips is nocturia.
As explained by the NHS, nocturia is when you “frequently wake up in the night and need to pee (pass urine).” The health service adds, “It often increases with age. It is common with elderly people who may be getting up twice a night. More frequent visits to the toilet may indicate a problem that can be treated.”
What causes nocturia?
There can be various causes for nocturia, including hormonal changes. The antidiuretic hormone (ADH) plays a key role in managing the water levels in your body. When the levels of this hormone drop, it can lead to increased urine production during the night.
Frequent nighttime urination might also indicate an overactive bladder or a bladder infection. An overactive bladder is characterised by a sudden urge to urinate, which can sometimes lead to leakage before reaching the restroom. Bladder infections typically occur when bacteria invade the bladder.
In men, an enlarged prostate can exert pressure on the urethra, making it difficult for the bladder to empty completely. For women, organ or pelvic prolapse could be the root cause. Other medical causes for nighttime toilet trips include heart problems and diabetes. If you have a heart condition, your heart and blood circulation may not work as effectively, leading to swelling in your ankles.
When you lie down or elevate your feet, fluid is drawn into your bloodstream and filtered out by your kidneys. As a result, you might need to urinate more at night. For any of the conditions mentioned above, you should speak to your doctor.
If you have diabetes, elevated blood sugar can make you feel thirstier, prompting you to drink more than normal. As a result, you might find yourself needing to use the bathroom more frequently. High blood sugar can also irritate the bladder, leading to increased urination.
Cutting back on certain foods, like snacks and carbs, may help if high blood sugar levels cause your frequent toilet trips, as health expert Dr Eric Berg DC explained. In a video on YouTube to his 13 million subscribers, the healthy ketosis and intermittent fasting specialist says that in many cases, nocturia is linked to diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and sleep apnoea.
What is insulin resistance?
Insulin resistance occurs when cells don’t respond effectively to insulin. This condition is commonly associated with being overweight, especially around the abdomen, a lack of physical activity, and a diet rich in processed foods and carbohydrates. However, factors such as genetics, age, specific medications, and various health issues can also play a role in its development.
Insulin resistance may lead to increased nighttime urination, known as nocturia. This occurs because elevated blood sugar levels, which are common in insulin resistance, make the kidneys work overtime to filter out the extra glucose. As a result, this can cause a rise in urine production, even during the night.
Dr Berg explains that the medical conditions mentioned above issues typically arise from insulin resistance. This is a condition where your body’s cells fail to respond effectively to the insulin produced.
As a result, blood sugar levels rise, prompting your body to eliminate the excess sugar through frequent urination. To avoid nocturia in this situation, it’s essential to address your insulin resistance and lower your blood sugar levels, especially if a doctor has diagnosed these as the cause of your frequent urination.

(Image: Getty)
What improves insulin resistance?
To improve insulin resistance, Dr Berg says cutting down on carbs and snacking less can really help. He also recommends drinking apple cider vinegar before meals and exercising three times a week.
“Stop snacking at night and stop snacking in general,” he said. “In fact, do intermittent fasting. Basically, you’re just cutting down the number of meals, not the calories, just the frequency of eating. It’s going to greatly help insulin resistance.
“Start cutting down your carbs to less than 30 grams per day. Those two actions are the most powerful thing you can do, and you’re going to see amazing changes… Now, a couple of other things you can do to speed things up: take some apple cider vinegar with some water right before your meals, just a tablespoon.”
Explaining the benefits of apple cider vinegar, he said: “It is a really good blood sugar-regulating natural remedy.” Dr Berg added: “The other thing you could do is exercise on a regular basis. That is another potent way to improve insulin resistance and if you have any questions on what to eat.”
By the end of the video, the health expert claimed the diet and lifestyle changes have helped various people. “I did two other videos on this topic and the comments from people who tried it and it worked are overwhelming. I mean you’re going to be blown away by how many people just made some slight changes in their diet and got rid of this problem within days.”

How does cutting out carbs improve insulin resistance?
Cutting back on carbohydrates, particularly refined carbs and added sugars, can be helpful in managing insulin resistance. This approach can lead to more stable blood sugar levels and enhance insulin sensitivity.
With a lower carbohydrate intake, your body has less glucose to handle, resulting in steadier and lower blood sugar levels. A diet with fewer carbs reduces the demand on your pancreas to produce insulin, which can enhance the body’s insulin sensitivity.
Additionally, lowering carbohydrate consumption can aid in weight loss, a key factor in improving insulin resistance. As carbohydrate intake decreases, the body may begin to utilise more fat for energy, which can further assist with weight management and insulin resistance.
What to focus on?
- Focus on whole foods. Opt for nutrient-dense options such as vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
- Reduce intake of processed foods, sugary beverages, and refined grains. These items can lead to quick increases in blood sugar levels and can exacerbate insulin resistance.
- Think about incorporating low-glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates. These carbs are absorbed more slowly, resulting in a steadier increase in blood sugar levels.
What do you need to consider?
Before implementing major changes to your diet, particularly if you have insulin resistance or other health issues, it’s important to consult with your doctor or a registered dietitian. A well-rounded eating plan that incorporates sufficient protein, healthy fats, and fibre is vital for effectively managing insulin resistance.
Although cutting back on carbohydrates can be helpful, it’s essential to maintain some carbs in your diet, particularly from whole, unprocessed foods. Alongside dietary adjustments, engaging in regular physical activity and managing stress are also key factors in enhancing insulin sensitivity.
The NHS adds: “Some medicines make your body produce more urine, or increase its flow. In many cases this is how the medicine works to treat the condition (for example, water tablets for high blood pressure). Ask your GP if you are not sure if your medicines could be causing nocturia. Please do not stop taking your regular medicines without the advice of your doctor.”