BOULDER, COLO. — The Paleo Diet LLC is launching a new food certification program. Based on the science of Loren Cordain, PhD, founder of the modern Paleolithic nutrition movement, the program aims to provide guidance for the food industry by codifying Paleo Diet standards and making them available to manufacturers, retailers and other partners.
The founders of the Paleo Diet assert that highly processed foods, GMO foods, grains, legumes, dairy products and other foods are harmful because they were not part of the diet humans evolved eating for millions of years. Reflecting a modern interpretation of the way people ate before the rise of agriculture, the diet emphasizes vegetables, seafood, fruit and fresh meat, with unprocessed foods accounting for 85% of total consumption.
Translating the science of Paleolithic eating into a modern certification process will help consumers make more informed choices in a competitive and complex food marketplace, said Trevor Connor, chief executive officer of the Boulder, Colo.-based organization.
“The goal of our certification program is to clear up confusion in the marketplace and help consumers make healthier choices,” he said. “Our new certification empowers consumers to know which foods are truly healthy.”
Manufacturers that meet the certification standards will benefit from differentiating their products on the shelf and online, he added.
The certification program is launching alongside a rebrand for the Paleo Diet, which includes a “CPG-friendly logo” and the motto “designed by nature. Built by science.”
The Paleo Diet also is seeking partners for a new licensing program, which will see it lend its trademark through full-branded and co-branded agreements. Available licensing categories include raw ingredients, prepared foods, meal delivery, software, services, personalized health care and consumer packaged goods like cosmetics and household products. Licensing is available through The Valen Group, the organization’s exclusive licensing partner.
“The Paleo Diet is providing much-needed guidance to the food industry,” said Jeff Dotson, vice president of The Valen Group. “Whether on-the-go or preparing food for family meals at home, we want consumers to know that their food choices are the best they can be and that the Paleo Diet brand and certification trademarks convey the highest levels of compliance with the science of the Paleo Diet.”
Click here for more information about the Paleo Diet certification program and brand licensing.
Source: foodbusinessnews.net
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