I’m mom-shamed for the healthy food I feed my child – she loves it, I won’t stop

With all the nutrition and diet advice out there, it can be hard to know what is actually healthy. The best approach is to replace highly processed foods with whole foods — those closest to the way nature made them. This includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans and legumes, lower fat dairy and lean meats.

GETTING your toddler to eat their five meals a day has often felt like a never-ending battle.

One mom revealed her picky eater hack but not everyone is sold on it.

TikTok user Jean explained that she is mom-shamed for making her daughter healthy pancakes


TikTok user Jean explained that she is mom-shamed for making her daughter healthy pancakesCredit: TikTok/ whatgreatgrandmaate
Jean demonstrated to her followers how to make the healthy pancakes


Jean demonstrated to her followers how to make the healthy pancakesCredit: TikTok/ whatgreatgrandmaate

In her video, TikTok user Jean Choi (@whatgreatgrandmaate) shared: “I get so many hate comments when I post any kind of hidden veggie recipes for my toddler.”

Jean told her followers that she feeds her child vegetables in their whole form as well as hidden in her meals.

She explained: “She knows that I sneak veggies in her food, not that it’s anyone’s business.

“She often helps me make them and she doesn’t care as long as she doesn’t see them at the end.”

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Jean also tackled the comments criticizing her for making her child’s meals as healthy as possible.

“You really can’t win in this mom-shaming world so I’m just going to keep sharing what works for me,” she said.

She went on to show her viewers how she uses a vegetable as an ingredient when making her daughter’s pancakes.

“These fluffy pancakes are jam-packed with zucchini but you would never know it,” Jean revealed.

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She also pointed out that her recipe is gluten-free and egg-free as well.

Showing her audience her daughter enjoying the meal, Jean said: “This is one of her favorite breakfasts.”

She concluded: “You can try these out with your picky eaters but if you hate what you see just move on with your life, it’s that easy.”

Jean’s followers took to the comments section to praise both her recipe and her carefree attitude.

“So wild to me that you get hate for FEEDING YOUR FAMILY? People are wild. Thank you for sharing fun ways to add nutrients to food,” wrote one viewer.

Another follower said: “People hating on you for wanting your child to live a healthy lifestyle is really sad. There are other things to worry about, not this. I’ll try this!”

“Who hates on hidden veggies? It’s genius,” commented a third person.

The TikToker added zucchini to her gluten-free and egg-free pancake mix


The TikToker added zucchini to her gluten-free and egg-free pancake mixCredit: TikTok/ whatgreatgrandmaate
Jean told her followers that the healthy pancakes are her daughter's favorite breakfast


Jean told her followers that the healthy pancakes are her daughter’s favorite breakfastCredit: TikTok/ whatgreatgrandmaate

Source: the-sun.com

Kerri Waldron

My name is Kerri Waldron and I am an avid healthy lifestyle participant who lives by proper nutrition and keeping active. One of the things I love best is to get to where I am going by walking every chance I get. If you want to feel great with renewed energy, you have to practice good nutrition and stay active.

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