I changed my diet, lost three stone and my menopause symptoms have disappeared

Sandra Georgeson was battling with the draining effects of perimenopause, which left her feeling lethargic and moody — a far from ideal situation for someone in her profession as a therapist and head of her own adoption support agency.

The 47-year-old also struggled with irregular periods, night-time hot flushes that disrupted her sleep, and bouts of panic that were out of character for her. She noticed bloating and had given up hope of fitting into size 10 clothing ever again.

“My usual weight loss methods didn’t work and I especially couldn’t shift belly fat,” Sandra told the Express. It was when a neighbour suggested she try the Zoe membership that Sandra’s curiosity piqued, albeit with a dose of scepticism. You can read how another Zoe member got on with the diet here.

Zoe, a company at the forefront of science and nutrition, offers a membership that tailors dietary advice based on one’s unique gut microbiome, blood sugar responses, and individual fat processing capabilities, determined through at-home testing kits. You can discover another member’s experience with Zoe here.

Sandra before joining the ZOE membership

Sandra before joining the ZOE membership
Sandra Georgeson)

After receiving her tailored results, Sandra put the app’s bespoke dietary guidance into action.

“I was surprised to find that I process fat so well,” Sandra revealed, which led to a delightful change in her diet. She could now indulge in full-fat products without guilt.

“Greek yoghurt had always been a favourite of mine but I would only have the full-fat version on holiday. I now only have the full-fat version.”

Sandra used to view nuts as a rare indulgence, but now relishes them daily, thanks to her dietary overhaul.

“I eat more vegetarian meals now because the recipes in the Zoe app are really lovely and tasty,” she disclosed. “I definitely now eat more lentils and beans.”

Her subtle yet significant changes to an already wholesome diet saw Sandra shed an impressive 2.5 stone, gracefully dropping from 13 stone to just 10.7 stone.

Sandra Georgeson after joining the ZOE membership

Sandra Georgeson after joining the ZOE membership
Sandra Georgeson)

“My weight loss has been easy, continuous and enjoyable. I don’t feel deprived, because I love the food I’m eating,” Sandra confessed. “I’m not confused anymore about food and what works for me. I no longer dread standing on the scales.”

She also noticed a miraculous disappearance of her peri-menopause symptoms. “And I’ve noticed that my peri-menopause symptoms disappeared. My mood and energy levels are even. I’m sleeping really well too. People comment that my eyes and skin glow. I don’t feel bloated or uncomfortable. I feel more confident and happy within myself.”

Describing her transformative journey, Sandra exclaimed, “Zoe has been life-changing for me. Eating my favourite foods, three meals a day, and not worrying about counting calories while losing weight and feeling amazing is just brilliant.”

Reflecting on her new-found clothing size, she said: “I thought I’d seen the back of size 10 clothes so I was chuffed to bits when I picked up clothes to try on in a shop the other day, and 10 is now a comfortable fit.”

Source: bing.com

Kerri Waldron

My name is Kerri Waldron and I am an avid healthy lifestyle participant who lives by proper nutrition and keeping active. One of the things I love best is to get to where I am going by walking every chance I get. If you want to feel great with renewed energy, you have to practice good nutrition and stay active.
