Gwyneth Paltrow Is Facing Backlash Over Her Dangerous Wellness Routine: ‘Bone Broth Is Not A Meal’ – SheFinds

A clip from the podcast The Art of Being Well With Dr. Cole with Gwyneth Paltrow sharing her diet regimen has drawn concern and backlash from social media. TikTokers are criticizing the actor’s restrictive daily diet which starts in the morning with just a cup of coffee, an “intermittent fast,” bone broth for lunch, and then a paleo dinner with lots of vegetables. The Goop founder also tries to get “an hour of movement” in every day (check out Gwyneth’s pilates workout wear!). Dietitians are worried about the standard that Gwyneth is setting with her interview and are worried about her health.

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@dearmedia #gwynethpaltrow shares her daily wellness routine on The Art Of Being Well, listen now #wellnessroutine #healthandwellness #healthylifestyle #routines #goop #podcastclips ♬ Aesthetic – Tollan Kim

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Diet Draws Criticism From TikTokers: ‘Is Starving Wellness?’

While the TikTok video was only a couple minute snippet from an hour-long episode, TikTokers got a good idea of what the Great Expectations actress eats—or really what she doesn’t eat. Her restrictive diet includes “an intermittent fast,” bone broth for lunch, and a paleo dinner (of just vegetables). She said that she normally starts her day with a cup of coffee (specifically something that won’t “spike her blood sugar”) and then she’ll eat around noon.

“I really like soup for lunch,” Gwyneth said. “I have bone broth for lunch a lot of the days.” She then tries to follow her meal with “an hour of movement,” dry brushing (a massage with a dry, stifled brush!), and then 30 minutes in an infrared sauna. Yikes!

“I eat dinner early in the evening,” she continued. At dinner, she follows a paleo diet and eats lots of vegetables. “I do a nice intermittent fast.” Intermittent fasting can mean a lot of things, but it generally entails not eating for a specific period of time. “It’s really important for me to support my detox,” Gwyneth concluded.

The short clip has garnered over 1.4 million views and 19 thousand comments since it was uploaded to TikTok on Tuesday, March 14. People are concerned about the actress and are even calling her the “ultimate almond mom,” a term used on TikTok to poke fun at parents who pass on obsessive (and often) disordered dieting patterns to their children. Commenters are simply calling Gwyneth’s diet unhealthy.

“This is a roundabout way of saying she’s on a liquid diet basically,” one person commented while another simply stated, “Bone broth is not a meal.” A third person quipped, “I take two really big gulps of air like twice every hour and am like so satisfied all day,” which amassed hundreds of likes.

@abbeyskitchen Gwyneth Paltrow is nothing if not consistent  She is the reigning queen of problematic wellness misinformation and disinformation. For someone as passionate about detoxing as she is, she is probably one of the most toxic celebrities in the wellness space of our generation. This diet is so frighteningly low calorie and low protein that I feel both empathetic and sad for her, but also angry that we continue to let this woman have such a powerful platform. This interview should have never aired without a ton of disclaimers and trigger warnings IMO. #gwynethpaltrow #goop #wellnesstok #detox #detoxtips #cleansediet #detoxdiet #paleodiet #dietitiansoftiktok ♬ original sound – Abbey Sharp

Another TikToker who’s a dietitian made a video response with similar critiques about the actress’ “intermittent fasting.” Abbey Sharp, who uses the handle @abbeyskitchen, pointed out that bone broth is not a balanced meal. She also denounced Gwyneth’s wellness regimen and said that it was akin to diet culture. She hails it as “the most problematic celebrity diet ever!”

Sharp wrote in the caption, “She is the reigning queen of problematic wellness misinformation and disinformation. For someone as passionate about detoxing as she is, she is probably one of the most toxic celebrities in the wellness space of our generation. This diet is so frighteningly low calorie and low protein that I feel both empathetic and sad for her, but also angry that we continue to let this woman have such a powerful platform. This interview should have never aired without a ton of disclaimers and trigger warnings [in my opinion].”

READ MORE: Gwyneth Paltrow Gives Instagram Followers A Glimpse Of Her Toned Body And Makeup-Free Face In A Black Bra And Eye Masks


Kerri Waldron

My name is Kerri Waldron and I am an avid healthy lifestyle participant who lives by proper nutrition and keeping active. One of the things I love best is to get to where I am going by walking every chance I get. If you want to feel great with renewed energy, you have to practice good nutrition and stay active.

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