Clever Food Artist Turns Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Into Cute Characters to Encourage Healthy Habits

Zebra family made out of fresh fruit

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that kids are rarely fond of eating their greens. Despite their reticence, fruits and vegetables are the foundation of a healthy diet, which makes parents come up with creative solutions to get their children to happily eat them. That’s how food artist Sarah Lescrauwaet-Beach came up with an idea—turn these ingredients into characters, animals, objects, and even inspiring messages. Her delicious creations, which she shares on her Edible Food Art For Kids Instagram account, are also a feast for the eyes.

Lescrauwaet-Beach’s adventure in the world of food art began in 2018, with a simple rabbit design. Her food collages not only put a smile on her children’s faces, but also keep them coming back for more. For the artist, food art has also provided her with a way to unwind after work.

“Most of my designs start due to an event or idea I have. Then I look which fruits would work to make the design come to life,” she tells My Modern Met. “Colors are key.” Staying true to her purpose, Lescrauwaet-Beach only uses fresh fruit and vegetables, along with seeds, nuts, and occasionally a touch of chocolate. Her art does not contain any mashed potatoes, pasta, food dye or other additives.

Sticking to her values around food has made her notice the versatility of each ingredient. For Lescrauwaet-Beach, blueberries lend themselves perfectly for a myriad of elements. “I love working with blueberries. You can use them for eyes, skin, lines and background. Very healthy and delicious as well.”

The most basic of her creations take her only around 30 minutes to create, while some more complex designs take up to two hours. “I have two kids at home and it’s rare that I can finish one without interruption,” she shares. “I don’t really have a creative process. I get ideas when I listen to the news, read books or scroll online. I love healthy food and also care for humanity. So my fruit art illustrates my believes and passions.”

To stay up to date with Lescrauwaet-Beach’s food art, you can follow Edible Food Art For Kids on Instagram.

Food artist Sarah Lescrauwaet-Beach turns fresh fruit and vegetables into characters, animals, objects, and even inspiring messages.

Donald Duck made out of fruit

Her delicious creations, which she shares on her Edible Food Art For Kids account, are also a feast for the eyes.

Bambi made out of fruit

Her food collages not only put a smile on her children’s faces, but also keep them coming back for more.

Camera made out of fruit

“Most of my designs start due to an event or idea I have. Then I look which fruits would work to make the design come to life,” she tells My Modern Met. “Colors are key.”

Rubik's cube made out of fruit

“I love working with blueberries. You can use them for eyes, skin, lines and background. Very healthy and delicious as well.”

Carl and Ellie from UP made out of fruit

Staying true to her purpose, Lescrauwaet-Beach only uses fresh fruit and vegetables, along with seeds, nuts, and occasionally a touch of chocolate

Tigger made out of fruit

“I get ideas when I listen to the news, read books or scroll online. I love healthy food and also care for humanity. So my fruit art illustrates my believes and passions.”

Snake made out of fruit

Mickey Mouse made out of fruit

Hummingbird made out of fruit

Rooster made out of fruit

Edna Mode made out of fruit

Hands holding the planet made out of fruit

Squirrel made out of fruit

Dog made out of fruit

Sarah Lescrauwaet-Beach: Website | Instagram | TikTok

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Sarah Lescrauwaet-Beach.

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Kerri Waldron

My name is Kerri Waldron and I am an avid healthy lifestyle participant who lives by proper nutrition and keeping active. One of the things I love best is to get to where I am going by walking every chance I get. If you want to feel great with renewed energy, you have to practice good nutrition and stay active.

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