Can the Paleo Diet Help Prevent Heart Disease?

“Overall, the effect of the paleo diet on heart disease risk really depends on how you choose to follow it,” says Kelly Kennedy, RD, a nutritionist for Everyday Health. Unlike other plans, the paleo diet doesn’t recommend portion sizes by food group, nor does it incorporate exercise — which is known to be good for overall health and preventing heart disease. (3)

But following a paleo diet food list does require a focus on certain foods and the elimination of others. For instance, on the paleo diet, you’re encouraged to eat lots of fruits, veggies, fats, and proteins, while processed foods like chips, cookies and candy, as well as legumes (beans), most dairy, and grains are off-limits.

This approach has pros and cons, Kennedy says. “My main concern overall would be the fact that major sources of fiber, vitamins, and minerals are being eliminated by not including whole grains, soy, and dairy,” Kennedy explains. “However, if someone compensates and follows the paleo diet by having lots of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein sources such as skinless poultry and fish, they should be able to mostly compensate for these losses.”

There certainly has been a disconnect between some paleo enthusiasts and the medical community. For instance, while paleo recommends the elimination of whole grains, the American Heart Association states that whole grains can actually lower cholesterol and the risk of stroke, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. (4)

That being said, there are some encouraging signs out there. While some people may try the diet because they want to lose weight, when followed correctly, some studies suggest it could benefit your ticker.

In fact, a systematic review from 2019 that looked at a wide range of relevant studies cited a number of potential heart health benefits, which were linked to the diet’s cardio-friendly effects on areas like weight loss, body fat, and blood pressure. But the study noted that more research was needed to definitively establish a paleo-cardio connection. (5)


Kerri Waldron

My name is Kerri Waldron and I am an avid healthy lifestyle participant who lives by proper nutrition and keeping active. One of the things I love best is to get to where I am going by walking every chance I get. If you want to feel great with renewed energy, you have to practice good nutrition and stay active.

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