5 Fatty Foods You Should Never Eat

fatty-foodsEating a healthy supply of dietary fats is vitally important to maintaining proper nutrition and having a properly functioning body.

However, by consuming the wrong kind of fats, the opposite can occur. Eating fats that are heavily processed can cause damaged cellular function to your body, causing your body to work harder which leads to many long term health conditions.

Here are the top 5 fatty foods you should avoid:

1) Any Food That Contains Trans Fat – Trans Fatty Acids, otherwise known as hydrogenated oils, definitely make the list of worst fatty foods to eat. Trans fats are created from oils that go through the process of hydrogenation.

When oils go through hydrogenation, they are heated to high temperatures and chemically altered, making them cancer causing. Trans fatty acids also go through a bleaching and deodorizing process, which makes them really unhealthy for the body to consume.

Trans fatty acids are linked with many diseases such as obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Trans fatty acids can damage the body even when they are consumed in small amounts.

Unfortunately, hydrogenated oils are found practically everywhere because they are cheap and convenient for food manufacturers to make large quantities of processed foods.

If you are trying to lose weight or simply just want to eat foods that are healthy for your body, make sure to read the labels on everything you buy and stay away from anything that includes hydrogenated oil or partially hydrogenated oil.

2) Whole Milk – Whole milk found in grocery stores is homogenized and pasteurized. This processing strips milk from most of its natural vitamins and minerals and then adds the nutrients back in after the processing.

This process makes the milk extremely high in fat content and is damaging to the body. Raw milk, on the other hand, or milk that is still in its natural state, is beneficial to consume. Raw milk has significant amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, otherwise known as the good fat, and has not been pasteurized or homogenized.

3) Processed Meat – Processed meats are extremely high in fat and sodium and are one of the main contributors to excess body fat. Processed meats contain many chemical additives including sodium nitrate, and food coloring.

Once again, because of the processing, many unhealthy properties are added to meat that make them harmful to the body. Consuming a diet with processed meat is one that is again linked to chronic disorders like cancer, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

A healthy alternative to processed meats is to choose organic, grass fed beef.

4) Anything That Is Fried – This category is common for many foods available at fast food restaurants. The worst thing you can do is eat something that is deep fried in hydrogenated oil. Fried foods are high in saturated fat and contain minimal nutritional value.

These foods are also loaded with high sodium and cholesterol content that damage your body’s functioning.

5) Sweets & Dessert Foods – Sugary sweets that contain refined flower and sugar cause your body to store excess energy as fat. Sweets such as pastries, donuts, or ice cream are also high in saturated fat, carbs, and have minimal nutritional value.

Many dessert items are also processed and made with hydrogenated oils which contain dangerous trans fats. If you have to indulge in your favorite dessert, make sure it is only once in awhile because the damage causes by sweets can add up in your body fast.

The next time you go grocery shopping or go out to eat, think twice about the foods you are putting into your body. They can be extremely harmful to your well being and lead to many future health problems.

Kerri Waldron

My name is Kerri Waldron and I am an avid healthy lifestyle participant who lives by proper nutrition and keeping active. One of the things I love best is to get to where I am going by walking every chance I get. If you want to feel great with renewed energy, you have to practice good nutrition and stay active.

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