4 Daily Routines For Changing To A Healthy Diet


4 Daily Routines For Changing To A Healthy Diet

Gayatri Chona, Nutritionist, Wellness Coach, And Founder, Phab, shares four tips to help you transition to a healthier diet without sacrificing the fun and flavour that make food enjoyable.

It’s incredible how a few minor tweaks to one’s daily habits can lead to significant changes in getting healthier. As nutritionists and health coaches, we understand that we all want to look and feel good about ourselves, but our busy lives can sometimes make it challenging. That’s why we’d instead advocate for more minor, easier changes in everyday life than significant steps that aren’t sustainable in the long run. Gayatri Chona, Nutritionist, Wellness Coach, And Founder, Phab, shares four tips to help you transition to a healthier diet without sacrificing the fun and flavour that make food enjoyable.

  1. Breakfast bounce: Start your day with a whole grain and protein breakfast. If your mornings are rushed, mix some oats, whole milk or Greek yoghurt, honey, nuts, and your favourite fruits then toss it in the fridge. On even busier days, crumble a granola bar into yoghurt and spoon it. Usually, healthy snacks such as granola bars are called G.O.A.T. (Greatest of All Time) bars for a reason. But don’t forget to enjoy a freshly prepared breakfast on some days, too. A nutritious breakfast kickstarts your metabolism and keeps you energised throughout the morning.
  2. Snack strategically: Instead of reaching for a bag of chips, samosa, or a candy bar during snack time, keep a stash of healthier alternatives. One should keep energy and protein bars packed with nuts, fruits, dried fruits, and delicious flavours in their purse, work desk, office, car, and home. That way, if hunger strikes, they will have a healthy option ready and avoid the temptation of ordering a chaat. These choices are tasty, filling, and nutritious, helping you maintain steady energy levels and prevent the dreaded mid-afternoon slump.

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  4. Green your plate with mindful hydration: Make vegetables the star of your plate. Sneak vegetables like spinach or kale into your smoothies or finely chop them into your pasta sauce. You’ll be surprised how easy adding more greens to your diet is. Stay hydrated with infused water with fruit or cucumber slices. Hydration is a simple yet often overlooked component of a healthy diet.
  5. Amp your protein intake: Boost your protein intake with lean sources like chicken, fish, tofu, or legumes like chickpeas and lentils. Shockingly, almost 80% of our Indian population doesn’t meet its daily protein requirements, and that’s a cause for concern. But here’s the good news: you can change that by having protein bars that are not only delicious but also keep you satisfied and energised throughout the day. They are your go-to solution to meet your daily protein requirements when getting them from your meals is not always possible. Plus, they’re so yummy that you won’t even realise you’re doing something good for your health.

Source: bing.com

Kerri Waldron

My name is Kerri Waldron and I am an avid healthy lifestyle participant who lives by proper nutrition and keeping active. One of the things I love best is to get to where I am going by walking every chance I get. If you want to feel great with renewed energy, you have to practice good nutrition and stay active.
